
15 August 2011

Web design

The first task was creating a CSS style sheet so that the design of the website would match an image that had been provided without editing the html file. Notes about the widths and colours were provided to help in creating this. This part of the assignment was quite straightforward and was completed quite quickly.

The next task was to create a gallery using PHP that would read the filenames of images from a gallery folder and then load the images into the page using an html IMG tag. PHP was also used to create links to the separate galleries created and lightbox was used to display larger versions of the images without taking the user away from the main page.

The final task of this part of the assignment was to create an order form for selling flowers this didn’t require any My SQL as we were only concentrating on the PHP part and so had to get the results for the form to display on an html page.

I used live validation to validate the form fields so that the form would be more user friendly.

The last part of the module was an essay about the impact of Ajax on the user experience of social networks.


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