
22 June 2012

Exhibition website

For the web gallery and exhibition module I was in the web team, who were tasked with creating a website to advertise and provide more information about the exhibition we were creating.

The website can be found here:

We decided to create a simple site design as the team did not have much experience in creating websites. The theme for the exhibition was retro so the graphics and icons used were chosen to fit with this theme. The graphics used on the site were provided by the graphics team and there were many changes before the design was settled on.

First I was tasked with creating a contact page for the website. I decided to create a form using php that can be used to send an email from the website. As I had never done this before so it needed a bit of research but in the end a fully functioning form was created. 

Next I worked on the gallery pages to add a lightbox to the page. As the three Polaroid images were saved as a single image, image maps were used to create the links. Fancybox ( was used for the lightbox as it supported YouTube videos and links using the area tag, originally another lightbox plugin was being used but this didn't support videos ( The setting were adjusted so the helper buttons were used as the left and right arrows wouldn't work with the YouTube content.

JQuery was also used to add smooth scrolling back to the top of the page as the pages were quite long, especially the gallery and students page.

This was my first time working on live website and I have learnt a lot from working on it.

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